Energy Treatment FAQ:

What is an Energy Treatment?

An energy treatment is a remote session designed to release emotional and energetic blockages by connecting with your subconscious mind. Through my Subconscious Alignment & Integration method, I use muscle testing to identify limiting beliefs, fears, and patterns that no longer serve you.

Without requiring much active participation from you, I work energetically to clear these blockages, helping to restore balance and alignment across your body, mind, and spirit. These treatments address deep-rooted issues, providing a sense of emotional relief, clarity, and energetic harmony.

What should I be doing during an Energy Treatment?

During your energy treatment, it's important to create a quiet, comfortable space where you can be still and present. Memories and emotions may surface during the session, as your body and mind release what no longer serves you. Simply allow these feelings to arise without judgment.

To enhance the experience, you might consider incorporating gentle music and/or plant medicine, such as herbal tea, essential oils, etc., to create a calming atmosphere. Focus on your breath, relax, and remain open to the process. This calm and receptive state will support the energy work being done remotely and help you integrate the healing more deeply.

What to expect after your treatment:

After an energy treatment, you may notice a variety of emotional, mental, and physical shifts as your body clears old blockages. Common forms of release include crying, coughing, sneezing, bowel movements, or even fatigue.

These reactions are completely natural and indicate that your body is processing and letting go of stagnant energy that no longer serves you. Energy medicine works by bringing unresolved emotions and patterns to the surface, allowing you to fully feel them so that healing can take place. It doesn’t bypass the "feel it to heal it" process but gently assists in surfacing what has been suppressed—whether it’s grief, anger, or tension—so that you can release it. These releases are a vital part of the healing journey, helping to clear space for new, positive energy to flow in.

Many people experience an emotional release, feeling lighter, more at peace, or relieved as old emotions and patterns are cleared from their energy field. Mental clarity often follows, bringing a sense of focus and direction as limiting beliefs are dissolved. Physically, sensations such as tingling, warmth, or a feeling of lightness may arise during or after the session, leaving you feeling more energized and balanced. A deep sense of inner calm may also settle in, promoting relaxation and emotional resilience. These shifts can unfold gradually over the days and weeks following your session, as your energy continues to realign and adjust. While each person's experience is unique, you can generally expect enhanced well-being, greater alignment, and emotional harmony as your healing journey progresses.